Will You Shop Sustainably?

This motion piece uses the processes of garment production—such as dying and stitching—to illustrate the impact of fashion on the environment. The piece includes data from the UN Sustainable Development Goals, but also offers tips to help consumers shop more sustainably.


For many people, the impact that clothing has on the environment does not even cross one’s mind when shopping. I chose to discuss the impact of fashion on the environment with hopes that I could share tips for sustainable shopping. The topic has also been gaining more traction in the media, so I knew there would be plentiful data for me to use.

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After selecting my concept, I developed a stylization based on the materials and processes associated with the production and consumption of fashion. I decided to used fabric swatches, stitching, and dyes to convey information. For my color scheme, I chose a bright, yet natural palette.

While drawing thumbnails, I considered different ways to manipulate fabric and stitching to convey various types of data. I also focused on how motion could show a change in data over time.


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